04 Apr 2019

TACSEN Partners with Famous Brand of Automobile to Implement Effective Communication Programs

How could employees with multi-culture background be pooled together to achieve greater success?

This is the common issue faced by most foreign-funded enterprises.  The program we have worked on with an automobile manufacturer from Japan in recent years could definitely be one of the possible solutions.In recent years, we had conducted a series of programs for our client to improve the company’s internal communication.

Using MBTI to Build Effective Communication
As a classical personality assessment tool, MBTI can help individuals find their own characteristics. First of all, we used MBTI to help the staff of our client to know themselves better through assessment and discussions.  By using MBTI?, the senior management got some hints to know characteristics and preferences of team members despite there are culture differences.

Enhance Leadership by Using Everything DiSC
Though excellent leaders could have different leading styles, some skills are basic requirements for all kinds of leaders, such as communication skills, motivation skills, staff deployment, etc.  As an assessment on behavioral style, Everything DiSC(ED) is easy-to-use, which can help on communication and management.  We had added some sharing sessions to our program in order to help participants to apply ED at workplace.

Mobilize Employees to Act by Video Production
Recently, we have also shot a video on ED for our client, aiming to deepen everyone’s understanding of our client’s corporate culture and theory of ED. The video was shot in witty style and shown on the client’s internal concluding conference to help everyone turn the theory into practice.
Different from other conferences which pay attention on data and strategic planning, the internal conference this time was focused on imprinting everyone with a picture of corporate culture and helping to build a harmonious working environment.  To make the video closer to the actual work settings of our client, all actors were selected from staff of our client, the General Manager of our client Guangzhou R&D had also joined in the shooting process!

After our program, we got a lot of exciting results from the client:
1. Both employee satisfaction and employee engagement have increased compared to figures of last year;
2. Employees revealed that the leadership culture had changed and improved significantly;
3. The concluding conference has imposed better impact than before, not only making every employee to know more about their corporate culture and communication theories, they also found their ways to practice.

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