01 Mar 2022

Leaders in the New Normal Find Silver Bullet with eTACSEN’s Unique Learning Experiences

The global pandemic has forced leaders of companies from every industry to reinvent the way they compete for market share. Mr. Terence Yeung, Managing Director of eTACSEN, shares how practical leadership development solutions that have stood the tests of time put companies ahead of the competition today.

Terence Yeung
Terence Yeung, Managing Director of eTACSEN

Celebrating 20 years of service since being established in 2002 in Hong Kong, eTACSEN is a training consulting firm providing talent development and corporate training services in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The company was rated as one of the Most Valuable Companies in Hong Kong in 2012 and remains the only training service provider on the top of its rank. eTACSEN is also rated as one of the Top 7 in China’s Training industry by TopHR, and won the Talent Development Leader of the Year recognition in 2017.

“Leveraging on extensive management consulting experience and best practices for global clients, we formed a strategic partnership with Wiley, and became the only authorized partner of The Leadership Challenge ® in Hong Kong and southern China since 2014,” says Mr. Terence Yeung, Managing Director of eTACSEN.

“As a Certified Master (the top honor in The Leadership Challenge community), I was invited as a guest speaker in the global ‘The Leadership Challenge® Forum’ for 3 consecutive years to share our success stories from Hong Kong and Mainland China. I was fortunate enough to be the only Chinese with this honor.”

“In 2018, we hosted a ‘Great Leadership Creates Great Workplaces’ event in Hong Kong with over 200 senior executives, which was the largest event of its kind. I shared the stage with Barry Posner, one of the co-authors of the best-selling leadership book ‘The Leadership Challenge®’, to discuss the trends of leadership development in Asia and around the globe. These are proud milestones for me personally and for our company,” he adds.

The Future of Learning

2020 was a significant year for eTACSEN as the company formally introduced “blended learning”, i.e., a combination of holistic online and offline experience, believing that this will be the trend for future learning.

“We rebranded ourselves as eTACSEN. “e” symbolized our commitment to online learning. This commitment is further exemplified by forming a strategic partnership with Skillsoft, the world’s leading digital learning provider. This has enabled us to cover different levels of staff training needs, in addition to management and leadership training,” says Mr. Yeung

“Our rebranding to eTACSEN signifies a historic new chapter of our company reflects a formal commitment to digital transformation and revamps our offerings to fit the changing clients’ needs. The world is changing fast, and so is our learners’ preference,” he continues.

According to Linkedin Workplace Learning Report 2018, 58% of learners prefer to learn at their own pace, and 49% prefer to learn at the point of need, 90% of corporations nowadays offer online learning. People tend to use fragmented time and online tools to achieve their learning objectives much more than the traditional way in the past. Rebranding helps us adapt to this digital age.

Tailored Solutions for the New Normal

“While the global pandemic did have an impact on the corporate training sector because companies have downsized or even closed down, there were also opportunities since many companies needed to train their leaders on how to reinvent their operations for the new normal,” says Mr. Yeung.

“Today there is a need for corporate training programs that offer practicability as well as tangible business results. eTACSEN has been implementing these in our solutions since day one. Furthermore, our learning solutions are bundled together with action learning projects so that the real application of what has been learned can be testified. This unique approach results in the learning projects directly adding value to the business of our clients,” he says.

With the rapid growth of China’s economy, more Chinese enterprises are marching to the international market, while more Hong Kong companies have been expanding into China or augmenting their operations there.

“eTACSEN is well-positioned to provide tailored solutions that can meet the needs of both situations because we have on-the-ground experiences in both Hong Kong and China for 20 years, and most of our consultants can eliminate language barriers since they speak Mandarin (Putonghua), Cantonese and English, plus we have flexible learning solutions,” says Mr. Yeung.

“We believe the development of Greater Bay Area is full of potential, especially for the finance, medical treatment, retailing, and internet-related industry. There is a great need for leadership training in these industries because mid-level managers are in the majority.”

“Our solutions fit the exact needs of companies because they are all about acquiring practical skills that can be applied to our clients’ daily tasks. We will continue to grow our team of specialized consultants in order to serve the needs of our customers in the new normal,” he concludes.

The Mediazone Group congratulates eTACSEN for achieving 20 years of service to our region, and for winning the Asia’s Most Innovative Leadership Development Consultants recognition at the 2022 Asia’s Most Valuable Companies in Hong Kong Awards. We wish the company more successful in its future endeavor.